Jul 30, 2009

Pig Skin

I tried this pig skin dish in a traditional restaurant, 阿月切仔麵, in my home town Kaohsiung. It's one of the most memorable things my tongue remembered...haha

You would think pig skin is something oily and fat. On the other hand, this appetizer is nothing like what you would imagine with common senses. It's not fatty at all but gelatinous and very well seasoned. In chinese, the best way to describe it is 爽口.


Jul 17, 2009

Nada Sousou

涙そうそう by 夏川りみ
詞:森山良子 曲:Begin

古いアルバムめくり ありがとうってつぶやいた
いつもいつも胸の中 勵ましてくれる人よ
晴れ渡る日も 雨の日も 浮かぶあの笑顏
おもかげ探して よみがえる日は 淚そうそう

一番星に祈る それが私のくせになり
夕暮れに見上げる空 心いっぱいあなた探す
悲しみにも 喜びにも おもうあの笑顏
見えたら きっといつか 會えると信じ 生きてゆく

晴れ渡る日も 雨の日も 浮かぶあの笑顏
さみしくて 戀しくて 君への想い 淚そうそう
會いたくて 會いたくて 君への想い 淚そうそう

Translation by Suzi Kim

Turning the pages of old photographs

I whisper thanks to each and everyone
Deep in my heart you have come, come to live
Sure as the sun to see me through

Come rain or shine however the day may be
You shelter me with your smile
However far your memories may fade
Traces of you I hope to find
Then you appear and I drown in my own tears

I wish on a star, the first star of the night
You'll find me here every evening of the year
As twilight approaches I look to the sky
Searching for you with all of my heart

In grief and joy I long for you and your smile
Hoping you feel the way I do
If only you could fine me from where you are
I do believe somewhere in time
I do believe I will see you once again

Come rain or shine however the day may be
You shelter me with your smile
But as each memory of you fades away
I'm so alone longing for you
You're on my mind as I drown in my own tears

Missing you so I'm missing you so
You're on my mind as I drown in my own tears

謝天, 謝地, 謝諸神佛

I took this picture at Jiufen (九份), a village on the Mountains surrounding Taipei basin and facing the Pacific. I got excited to visit this village because of the fact that Miyazaki Hayao based some of his sketches for Spirit Away on this small mountian village.

The title is modified from a novel, 千江有水千江月, by 蕭麗紅.

Jul 8, 2009

I swear, it wasn't me...

2009.06.12 The night before the neuro final exam

I miss you, sunshine

2009.07.04 Bronx Zoo

She fell from the sky

2009.06.23 Park Slope 6th St. between 6th and 7th Ave.

la maison en petits cubes

2009 Oscar winner for the animated short film

Kunio Kato (加藤久仁生)

Director Kunio Kato's earlier work, 或る旅人の日記, a six-episode short film series is still one of my favorite. I like his unique style of drawing and the stories full of imagination, which I believe are also the two qualities that make Miyazaki Hayo so special.

It's hard to find the link for his earlier work now; try the following link if you are interested in 或る旅人の日記.

Episode 01 VO (http://animeseed.com/pop_eps.php?eps_id=17247&anime_id=742)

The links in this post may not function due to copy right issue.

Jul 7, 2009


Post-it Stop Motion project directed by 劉邦耀