Mar 28, 2010

Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library of Yale

I had this exclamation running up my spin when I walked in this rare book library. I wasn't able to have a tour inside the first time I visited Yale. On my second visit, the chance to see the inside of this library alone worths the trip.

The library is a windowless rectangular shape building. Built with danby marble, the
building gives out a cold feeling outside and, yet, warm and rich color inside. The glass box in the middle that contains all the rare books and manuscripts provides a exhibition taste. It's the coolest library I have seen, design-wise.

Gordon Bunshaft is the architecture of the Beinecke Library. I
t is interesting to realize that his original idea is to build the library with onyx, which provides better translucency and protection for delicate books from the sun. " I happen to love books, especially bindings, and I thought it ought to be a treasure house..." he said. The idea had to be given away due to cost and some issues beyond control.

It's one library that does give out a treasure box feeling.

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